CREA researchers, who broke the silence against gender violence in Spanish universities and who since 1991 have been working to achieve spaces free of violence, continue to delve into these scientific trajectories. One of the several international consortia in which we are involved for this purpose is the ASTRAPI Project: Active strategies for prevention and handling sexual harassment incidents. Specifically, we participate as partners in this project belonging to the Erasmus + program of the European Commission.
The ASTRAPI Project aims to develop effective intervention strategies, training methodologies, curricula and tools to build self-awareness regarding prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace. It also will transfer necessary skills to address reporting and handling sexual harassment issues and complaints. Among the specific results that the project will bring is the development of a toolkit based on scientific evidence, which will facilitate prevention and action in situations of harassment. In addition, CREA will lead the development of a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the risk of sexual harassment in various work contexts located in Denmark, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain and Greece.
The 9 European organizations that make up the partnership include government organizations (Cyprus Academy of Public Administration in Cyprus); foundations and NGOs (Hypatia Foundation Promoting Equality in Cyprus; Gender Five Pluis in Belgium, and Open Education Center Foundation in Bulgaria); trade union committees and organizations (FIU-Ligestilling/Dansk Metal in Denmark and Gender Equality Committee in Employment and Vocational Training in Cyprus), and university institutions (European University Cyprus in Cyprus; Panteion University of Social and Political Science in Greece, and CREA-University of Barcelona in Spain).
You can meet the project’s partners by accessing the Newsletters. In addition, you can access the project news through the ASTRAPI website.