
Garazi Álvarez-Guerrero

Álvarez Guerrero, Garazi

Lecturer at University of the Basque Country. Her research interests are bullying and child sexual abuse prevention.

Social impact:
Special Educational Needs.

Scientific career:

Aitor Alzaga

Alzaga, Aitor

Joan Oró-FI 2024 predoctoral researcher in Sociology.
His research interests focus on citizen science and prevention of gender violence.

Institution: University of Barcelona

Scientific career:

Amador, Jerusalén

Amador, Jerusalén

Juan de la Cierva Fellow at the Autonomous University of Barcelona: Her contribution is based on the inclusion of the voice of Roma women and the overcoming of social inequalities of this social group.

Social impact:
Roma women Grass-roots.

Scientific career:

Aubert, Adriana

Professor at University of Barcelona and expert researcher in the field of inclusive education. Her research has contributed to improve science and education.

Social impact:
Learning Communities.

Scientific career:

Azevedo Catarina

Azevedo, Catarina

Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona
Talent Development at EAE Business School
Expert in HR Consultancy (Training. Selection and Talent Development)

Scientific career:

Bordanoba-Gallego, Lidia

Assistant professor of the Department of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. PhD student at the University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
Social Media Analytics.

Universitat de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Burgués Freitas, Ana

Ph.D Assistant Professor

Social impact:
For more than 15 years, she has worked in socio-educational entities providing scientific evidence and working directly with families at risk of vulnerability.

Universidad de Granada.

Scientific career:

Campdepadrós Cullell, Roger

PhD in Sociology, is Assistant Professor. His research focuses on social integration and social inclusion in diverse and multicultural societies and contexts, and preventive socialization of gender violence. He is currently involved in the H2020 research KIDS4ALLL, the Volkswagen Foundation funded AIFORA and the launching of the information and development office CODES in Dakar-Senegal. He is assistant editor of International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences (RIMCIS).

Social impact:
Integration and social inclusion of the population of immigrant origin and ethnic, cultural and religious minorities. Prevention of gender violence and recovery of victims of gender violence.

Universidad de Girona.

Scientific career:

Josep Maria Canal-Barbany

Canal Barbany, Josep Maria

Professor in Valencian University (UV) and in the Valencian International University (VIU). His contributions are related with educational inclusion, Successful Educational Actions, New Alternative Masculinities.

Social impact:
New Alternative Masculinities

Scientific career:

Cañaveras Martínez, Paula

Predoctoral researcher in training in Sociology. FPI grant associated with the I+D+i CONSENT project (PID2019-110466RB-I00).

Social impact:
Sexual Consent through Communicative Acts, Violence Prevention in Schools.

Universidad de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Marta capllonch

Capllonch, Marta

Professor at University of Barcelona. Her career has focused on the social inclusion within the area of Physical education; she has lead a national R+D project in this area.

Social impact:
Successful actions in Physical education.

Scientific career:


Carbonell Sevilla, Sara

University of Valencia. Her contributions are related to successful educational actions and overcoming gender violence.

Social impact:
Prevention of violence in childhood.

Scientific career:

Carretero Silvia

Carretero, Silvia

Early childhood education teacher.

Social impact:
Dialogic learning in early childhood education.

Scientific career:

Castro Sandúa, Marcos

High School PE Teacher.

Social impact:
New Alternative Masculinities, Successfull Educational Actions in PE.

Departament d’Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Scientific career:

Crespo López, Alba

PhD student at the University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
Successful Educational Actions.

Institution/University/etc:Universitat de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Lena de Botton

de Botton, Lena

Lecturer and researcher at University of Barcelona. PhD by the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She has participated in different international researchers such as INCLUD-ED, contributing to the improvement of education especially of women from cultural minorities, such as Muslim women.

Social impact:
Dialogic literary gatherings and minority women.

Scientific career:

Roseli de Mello

de Mello, Roseli

Professor at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil. She has worked in many international researches in the domain of education and gender. She is the main researcher in Learning Communities and Successful Educational Actions in Brazil.

Social impact:
Transference of the Learning Communities in Brazil.

Scientific career:

Díez-Palomar, Javier

Lecturer at the Department of Language, Sciencie and Mathematics Education, University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
Successful educational actions to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Universidad de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Elboj, Carmen

Professor in Sociology at University of Zaragoza. From her scientific career, her transference of Successful Educational Actions to different educational and social domains stands out.

Social impact:
Inclusion of cultural minorities and Learning Communities.

Scientific career:

Flecha, Ramón

Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of West Timisoara and Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. Principal investigator in international high level researches with great social and political impact like INCLUD-ED and IMPACT-EV . He has published different JCR articles and one of them has won the 2013 Best Paper Prize from Cambridge Journal of Education, and is the most read article of the journal in 2015 al 2015.

Social impact:
Social impact of science, SEA and NAM.

Scientific career:

Fort Miquel

Fort, Miquel

Teacher in Adult Education.

Social impact:
Dialogic Learning and Adult Education.

Scientific career:

Guo, Mengna

PhD student at the University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
Overcoming racism and sexism towards Chinese women.

University of Barcelona.

Scientific career:


Íñiguez, Tatiana

Professor at the University of Zaragoza. Her contribution is focused on the social transformation of gender relations.

Social impact:
Adolescents’ models of attraction and election.

Scientific career:

Mar Joanpere Foraster

Joanpere Foraster, Mar

Sociology PhD

Social impact:
MeToo University

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Scientific career:

León Jiménez, Susana

Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellow at the University of Barcelona. Visiting lecturer at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Universidad de Córdoba under the project “We All Win” for the educational improvement and inclusion through interactive learning environments with social impact.

Social impact:
Schools as Learning Communities and Successful Educational Actions’ improvements in the well-being of the educational community.

Universitat de Barcelona

Scientific career:

López de Aguileta, Garazi

PhD candidate and lead instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Social impact:
Dialogic Literary Gatherings, language of desire.

University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Scientific career:

López de Aguileta Jaussi Ane

López de Aguileta Jaussi, Ane

Predoctoral researcher at UFR – School of Social Work, University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
Dialogic Music Gatherings.

Universidad de Barcelona.

Scientific career:


López, Laura

Professor at University of Barcelona. Her contribution focuses on the implementation of dialogic learning in online environments and the use of communication for social transformation. She has participated in different research national and European research projects in this topic.

Social impact:
Dialogic learning in online contexts.

Scientific career:

Nazareno, Elías

Professor at the Intercultural Indigenous Education Course and the Post-Graduation in History Program of the Federal University of Goiás – UFG. Currently he works with both indigenous and quilombola history. Productivity fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq-Brasil.

Social impact:
Indigenous History, Intercultural Education, History of Brazil.

Institution/University/etc:Universidad Federal de Goiás – Brasil.

Scientific career:

Mondéjar Torra, Eduard

Teacher of adults and assistant professor at the University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
Successful Educational Actions in adult education.

Institution/University/etc:Universitat de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Ocampo Castillo, María del socorro

Postdoctoral researcher at the Educational Research Institute of the Universidad Veracruzana – CONACyT Fellowship.

Social impact:
Dialogic Mathematics Gatherings and Transfer of Successful Educational Actions to Mexico and Latin America.

Universidad Veracruzana y Vía Educación.

Scientific career:

Ane Olabarria

Olabarria, Ane

Pre-doctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Social impact:
Dialogical teacher training to overcome school violence.

Scientific career:

Esther Oliver

Oliver, Esther

Professor at University of Barcelona. She has participated in different international researches with social impact. She has been the principal investigator in the R+D research of a pioneering concept that contributes to advance in the overcoming of gender violence Miratge de l’ascens social [the mirage of the upward mobility].

Social impact:
Mirage of Upward mobility and preventive socialization of gender violence.

Scientific career:

Pascual Esteve, Dr. José Maria

Territorial governance and sociological history.

Social impact:
Public administrations and social movements.

Institution/University/etc:Estrategias de calidad urbana/Fundación ciudadanía y buen gobierno.

Scientific career:

Peña Axt, Juan Carlos

Sociologist, University of La Frontera (Chile) Doctor in Sociology, University of Barcelona (Spain). Academic Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Autonomous University of Chile; researcher Ibero-American Institute for Sustainable Development (IIDS); Academic faculty member Doctorate in Social Sciences.

Social impact:
New Alternative Masculinities.

Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

Scientific career:

Lídia Puigvert

Puigvert, Lídia

Professor at University of Barcelona. Internationally recognised feminist for her concept of Dialogic feminism. She has recently been awarded a one-year Marie S. Curie Fellowship at Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology (2015-2016). She has been the principal investigator of many researches with social impact in gender, author of different publications with scientific impact at international level and recognised by her involvement in the overcoming of gender violence in Universities.

Social impact:
Dialogic model of conflict prevention. Preventive socialization of Gender Violence.
She has been advisor of the European Women’s Lobby

Scientific career:

Pulido, Cristina

Serra Hunter teacher and Researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her main contribution is the prevention of sexual abuse to minors through the Internet, and from any type of online harassment, as well as on the use of communication media as tools of social transformation.

Social impact:
Minors and Internet.

Scientific career:


Pulido, Miguel Ángel

Professor and coordinator of the area of ​​Faith and Spirituality in Blanquerna – Universidad Ramon Llull. He currently focuses his research on topics related to university pastoral care, spirituality and the creation of meaning, as well as everything related to areas such as successful educational activities, social work and the prevention of abuse in all its manifestations.

Social impact:
Successful educational actions. Preventive socialization. Spirituality and creation of meaning.

Scientific career:


Ramis, Mimar

Assistant professor at the University of Barcelona. She has participated in different researches with social impact and publishe in international journals. Her main contribution is based on the social inclusion in multicultural environments.

Social impact:
Successful Actions in the inclusion of cultural groups.

Scientific career:

Redondo Sama, Gisela

Ramón y Cajal Fellow

Social impact:
Social impact of dialogic leadership.

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Scientific career:

Roca Campos, Esther

Lecturer at the University of Valencia. Her research focuses on Successful Educational Actions that improve learning, feelings and overcoming violence; her work is contributing to the social and political impact of educational research.

Social impact:
Dialogical teacher training. Open Doors Actions.

Universitat de València.

Scientific career:

Rodríguez Oramas, Alfonso

Coordinator of the Latin-American Network of Schools as Learning Communities.

Social impact:
Improvements in academic achievement and coexistence in Latin-American schools through Successful Educational Actions.

Scientific career:

Ruiz Eugenio, Laura

Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Education, University of Barcelona, member of the consolidated research group on Education Overcoming Inequalities. She has been Ramon y Cajal Fellow at the UB and Beatriu de Pinós Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh. Her contributions have focused on successful educational actions overcoming inequalities, social inclusion, and non-academic women.

Social impact:
Successful Educational Actions, social inclusion and non-academic women.

Universidad de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Serradell Pumareda, Olga

Lecturer of Sociology and researcher for GEDIME-CER Migracions at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Between 2006 and 2008 she was a postdoctoral researcher in the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Her work is linked to projects that study strategies to overcome the inequalities facing vulnerable groups, specifically ethnic minority women.

Social impact:
Roma people; bullying; migrant women.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Serrano, Mª Ángeles

Lecturer in Sociology.

Social impact:
Inclusion of non-academic women.

Universidad de Extremadura.

Scientific career:

Gregor Siles

Siles, Gregor

Assistant professor (tutor) of history of education at UNED. Member of Tot história Cultural Association. His main field of study is social history, as well as the dissemination of the humanities.

Social impact:
He’s a member of Tot Història Cultural Association. Organization for training, research and dissemination of the humanities.

Institution/University/etc:Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia/ Tro Història Associació Cultural

Scientific career:

Soler Gallart, Marta

Full Professor of Sociology, University of Barcelona. Doctor by Harvard University. President of the European Sociological Association (2019-2021) and Editor of International Sociology, Q2 JCR (2015-2022). She has been main researcher of the H2020 project SOLIDUS, on successful actions of solidarity in Europe.

Social impact:
Assessment of the social impacto of research. Scientific evidence on the prevention of gender violence.

Universitat de Barcelona.

Scientific career:

Tellado, Itxaso

Lecturer at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. Doctorate by Northern Illinois University. She has participated in various international research and has published in journals of scientific impact. Her research interests are to overcome educational and social inequalities of vulnerable groups, as well as to prevent gender violence. She studies adult education, learning communities, cultural groups, and gender in education.

Social impact:
Educational actions to overcome inequalities and prevent gender violence.

Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

Scientific career:

Thiakh, Ababakar

Graduate in History at the University of Barcelona, Consultant in the field of North-South development cooperation

Social impact:
Migration and cultural minorities such as the Arab and Muslim population.

Institution/University/etc: Senegal Development Consulting

Scientific career:

Torras-Gómez Elisabeth

Torras-Gómez, Elisabeth

Margarita Salas Postodoctoral Researcher at the University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
•⁠ ⁠Social Impact of Companies and Organizations
•⁠ ⁠Preventive Socialization of Gender Violence

Scientific career:

Torrens, Xavier

Professor at the University of Barcelona.

Social impact:
•⁠ Public policy
•⁠ ⁠Prevention of radicalization

Scientific career:

Valls, Rosa

Professor at University of Barcelona. She has participated in the research Learning Communities from the start and she has lead different R+D projects. Her leading role in the pioneer research on Gender Violence in Spanish Universities [Violencia de Género en las Universidades Españolas] stands outs as its results contributed to breaking the silence in universities from research.

Social impact:
Learning Communities and Family training.Social educator and Psycho-pedagogue. Secondary school.

Social impact:
Successful Educational Actions in Secondary Education.
President of the Odyssea Teachers’ association.

Scientific career:

Vieites, María

Promoting Schools as Learning Communities in Europe. MA in Policy and Democracy. She has been Manager for Latin América at Instituto Natura in Brazil, and advisor of the Secretary of State for Education in Spain.

Social impact:
Contribution to the European network of Schools as Learning Communities: SEAS4ALLSTEP4SEASEnlargeSEASComunidades de Aprendizagem Portugal.

Scientific career:

Villarejo, Beatriz

Maria Zambrano Postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her contribution is focused on the preventive socialization of gender violence online and in adolescents, as well as the social inclusion and the democratic participation of vulnerable groups.

Social impact:
The other women movement.

Scientific career:

Yuste Munté, Montserrat

Teacher of secondary school.

Social impact:
Her contribution is focused on the preventive socialization of gender violence in adolescents as well as Dialogic learning and History.

Escoles Garbí Pere Vergés y UAB

Scientific career:

Harkaitz Zubiri-Esnaola

Zubiri-Esnaola, Harkaitz

Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Social impact:
His research focuses on analyzing educational actions with social impact, particularly in the field of language learning, and the prevention of school violence.

Scientific career:

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