4. Application instructions
A formal application is needed for a research visit at CREA. Please follow the steps indicated below: Step 1: Send an
3. Admission comission
The Admission Commission consists of three people: a researcher or investigator of CREA’s management team, a professor, and a training
2. Profile of visiting scholar and funding
Anyone who is interested in deepening into one of the research lines developed at CREA can apply for a research
1. List of Visiting scholars
Fullname Institution Period Kyung Hi Kim Professor, Kyungnam University (SOUTH KOREA) September 2014 – July 2015 Yiota Ignatiou MA Student,
5. Applied research
Next, you can consult the list of the 8 projects of coordinated applied research: Learning Communities. CREA, Center for Research in
4. Regional research programmes
Next you can find the list of the 15 regional research projects that we have coordinated and 1 of them where
3. National Plan R+D
Here you can consult the 41 projects led within the National R&D Plan from 1992 to the present ENHANC-ED. Improving
2. European research programmes
Below you can consult the European research projects: in 21 of them as coordinators and in 28 as partners: Coordination of