Jesús Gómez (1952–2006), professor of Research Methods and Techniques at the University of Barcelona developed his theories about love at the same time that he involved himself actively in the fight against gender violence in higher education centres and universities http://buyessayfast.com/. In 2007, in the homage to Jesús Gómez, the members of CREA decided to create a research line “Theories about love Jesús Gómez”, drawing on the social and scientific impact contributed by the researcher and the profound friendship and love that united him to many people in the research centre.
More information: Jesús Gómez Foundation
New Alternative Masculinities
The group of new masculinities, together with the colleagues of CREA women’s group SAFO, we collaborate in two research lines about gender studies:
- Theories about love: Analysis of the different theoretical statements about love, its relation with the processes of socialization given through history and lived as “natural” and the link of these statements and gender violence.
- Overcoming of the hegemonic model of masculinity: questioning of the hegemonic model of masculinity and proposal of new models.
Participation in the organization of conferences and conventions
- Rodríguez, H., Ríos, O., Racionero, S.; Macías, F. (2014). New methodological Insights into Communicative Acts that Promote New Alternative Masculinities. Qualitative Inquiry 7(20), 870-875. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537209
- Gómez, A. (2014). How friendship generates key research questions that help to overcome gender-based violence: a personal narrative. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 934-940. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537220.
- Flecha, R., Puigvert, L. & Ríos, O. (2013). The New Alternative Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinar Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88-113. doi: prefix: 10.447/rimcis