At the Nottingham University on the 13rd of February, 2009 it has been celebrate a public seminar called Social Cohesion: Schools and Their Communities. It was presented the scientific results of the Project 6 from the Integrated Project Includ-ed.

At the beginning Marta Soler (director of CREA-UB and coordinator of the Knowledge Management Committee) expose an overview of the project explaining the theoretical base, the structure and the development of Includ-ed Project. Then it was proposed a round table to explain and debate the different types of community participation and improvements in educational success and social cohesion. Suzzane Gatt (Project 6 Leader) from the University of Malta (Malta) was the person to lead this round table. Teresa Sordé (Integrated Project Leader) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) exposed the topic of family and community education; Vaiva Zuzeviciuté from the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) explained the community participation in school decision-making processes; Katriina Kaalikoski and Mikko Ojala from the University of Helsinki (Finland) spoke about participation in the development of curriculum and evaluation; and finally, Laura Engel and John Holford from the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom) analyzed participation in classrooms and learning spaces.

After this and according to the Includ-ed scientific results it was providing a debate about education in this society with experts as Pam Sammons (University of Nottingham), represents of the public Administration as Mark Andrews (Director of Targeted Services for Children and Young People; Children’s Services at Nottingham City Council) and Shirley Trundle (Director for Families in the Department for Children Schools and Families) and professionals from the school area as Jenny McGavin (Head teacher of Berridge Infant and Nursery School) and Bryan Mallows (Head teacher of Berridge Junior School).

The audience was around a 100 people from differents areas interested in education as experts, a great number of university professorship from United kingdom, researches, people from the local government and other public Administration, families, end-users and other people interested on it.
