PROJECT 1. European educational systems: connecting theories, reforms, and outcomes.

Project leader: Montserrat Sánchez (University of Barcelona).

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To analyse the characteristics of the school systems and the educational reforms that are generating low rates of educational and social exclusion and those that are generating high rates.

WP1: State of the art. Education in Europe

Preliminary reports: Revision of the literature on educational reforms, theories and policy developments in Europe.

These reports include a review of the literature on educational reforms, and the theoretical foundations of current educational debates on the impact of European political developments on educational reforms in the EU-25. The literature review was guided by the following research question: Which characteristics of school systems and educational reforms generate low rates of educational and social exclusion and which generate high rates?

Report 1: Overview of the main theoretical contributions in the current debates in the field of educational theory and policy (Go to results)

WP2: Analysis of educational reform

Working paper: Analysis of educational reforms in EU-25.

This paper provides an exhaustive study of educational reforms in the EU-25, focused mainly on the orientation of the reforms, their general structure, the curriculum and the special measures implemented in relation to vulnerable groups in each country. It identifies the consequences and/or risks of inclusion/exclusion , which are the result of these educational reforms.

WP3: Analysis of education outcomes

Working papers: Educational outcomes in Europe

These papers contain a secondary analysis of existing datasets on educational outcomes in the EU-25 and the identification of informational gaps in them. Relevant information is gathered on: school failure, school performance, and dropout rates. This activity will offer detailed statistical information, not just on the outcomes of a given system but will also make comparisons between them, providing a European overview. The analysis is guided by the following research question: Which are the school outcomes in the EU-25 and which additional data should be collected in the future?

WP4. Connecting theories, reforms and outcoms

Report 2: Theories, reforms and outcomes in European Educational systems (Go to results)

WP5. Disscusion and dissemination

Training seminars on theories, reforms and outcomes (Go to results)