The INCLUD-ED project has made an impact once again, this time at the European Conference entitled: Educating Europe – Educational Sciences go FP7 and beyond. Funding opportunities, matchmaking, networking.

Ramon Flecha, the main researcher and coordinator of the European INCLUD-ED.Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion from education in Europe project, and a Full Professor in Sociology in the University of Barcelona, was invited to participate in a European Conference entitled: Educating Europe – Educational Sciences go FP7 and beyond. Funding opportunities, matchmaking, networking (30th June – 1st July 2010, Brussels, University Foundation Club). This Conference was organised by the European Commission, along with the German National Contact Point for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities, the PT-DLR (SSH NCP), the International Cooperation in Education of the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) and NET4SOCIETY.

The objective of this Conference was to promote educational research within the “Socio-economic sciences and humanities” priority area as part of the specific “Cooperation” programme, within the VII European Union Framework Programme (7PM). The priority was to go more in-depth into the “Indicative Research Roadmap” set out by the European Commission, and to gather the international scientific community together in order to promote cooperative research in the field of educational science.  Ramon Flecha was invited within this context, and participated as one of the main speakers in the session entitled “EU funded educational projects”. Ramon presented the results of the project, and the impact it is having at a political level, as well as its impact on the media internationally.

For more information, please visit the following websites: