
More than 2.300 people from all over the world participate in the main act of tribute to Paulo Freire on his centenary

September 19th, 2021|Categories: News|

More than 2,300 people from around the world will participate on Monday 20th in the most massive event that has been organized to commemorate the 100 years of the birth of the Brazilian pedagogue recognized [...]

Active Strategies for Prevention and Handling Sexual Harassment Incidents

January 28th, 2021|Categories: News|

CREA researchers, who broke the silence against gender violence in Spanish universities and who since 1991 have been working to achieve spaces free of violence, continue to delve into these scientific trajectories. One of the [...]

ALLINTERACT. Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science (H2020)

June 25th, 2020|Categories: All, News|

Last March, the ALLINTERACT H2020 project (SwafS-20-2018-2019: Building the SwafS knowledge base) was selected for funding. It will start on October 2020 and will finished on May 2023. The project builds on the idea that [...]

Commission hosts a European hackathon in search of innovative solutions to fight the Coronavirus outbreak

April 24th, 2020|Categories: All, News|

Today and this weekend, the Commission will host the pan-European #EUvsVirus Hackathon (Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth), led by the European Innovation Council and in close collaboration with the EU Member States. The 27 [...]

Call Special Issue “Research Contributions to the Social Development of Under-Served Communities”

April 6th, 2020|Categories: All, News|

Sustainabiity magazine has called for the monograph "Research Contributions to the Social Development of Under-Served Communities" with guest editor Ramon Flecha. The call can be consulted below. Different regions around the world face serious and [...]

Portugal opts for the Learning Communities Project

November 11th, 2019|Categories: All, News|

The Portuguese Ministry of Education launched yesterday the extension of the Learning Communities Project to 50 new school clusters in the country. The project, developed by CREA (Community of Research on Excellence for All) and [...]

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