SAFO Crea Women's Group. Our Name
There have been a lot of things said about SAFO but few of them have been proven. What have been proved of the Greek poet is that:
- Safo was not only a relevant personality in the intellectual life of Greece in the 7th century B.C but she also founded one of the first girls’ schools that are known.
- Safo broke down stereotypes: she did not accept to be framed in one of both sides of patriarchal double standards, and she was able to fit her cultural activity with an intense love life beyond the limits that society tried to impose.
- Her poems contributed to the creation of a lyrics focused on the feelings, freeing literature from the total masculine domination revolving around the epic that considered violent men as heroes.
We want to walk the path that Safo and other women opened up confronting the barriers of their time. As them, we also want to open new ways for future women.
Presentation of SAFO CREA-Women's group
In the year 1999 the SAFO CREA-Women’s group was created as a result of a long previous career of different people in CREA who had worked on research and publications on gender issues. For instance, Rosa Valls had already shown her involvement with the fight against gender inequalities with her participation in the I Women’s Conferences that took place in Barcelona in 1976. Promoting paragraphs constitute the key body from your essay researchpaperstar.
Before the creation of CREA-SAFO, the studies of CREA research centre had focused especially on women and education issues, women between cultures, gender violence and other women.
The creation of the Women’s group gave a great boost to both our researches and our publications about gender studies as well as to our collaboration with other social groups of women to overcome gender violence and sexism among the great majority of society and within our organisations. Between 1999 and 2000, we elaborated research projects, publications and doctoral these mainly about gender violence, other women and women between cultures, an intense scientific activity that we have maintained up to now.
Research Lines
- Gender violence: building on the preventive socialization and analyzing custom essay papers online http://www.custom-papers-online.com the relation between the values that are part of the attraction models and their relation with gender violence.
- Other women and other cultures: from dialogic feminism, which proposes the incorporation in the international theoretical debate the voices of all women, regardless of their culture, age, academic level and/or social class.
The Women’s group, together with colleagues of CREA who were interested in scientific debates and social groups, we collaborate in two research lines about gender studies:
- Theories of love: drawing on the perspective of Professor Jesús Gómez who emphasizes the analysis of the different theoretical approaches about love, their relation with the socialization processe given throughout history and lived as “natural” and the link of these approaches with gender violence. More information.
- Overcoming the hegemonic model of masculinity: questioning of the hegemonic model of masculinity and proposals of new alternative models of masculinities. More information.
- The gender dimensión in all the research and functioning of CREA: the Women’s group is responsable also that, as established by the equality policies of the European Union, the gender dimensión be present in all the research and in the functioning of CREA.
Research Projects
- END-TRAFFICKING. Cambios e innovaciones sociales en la prevención y reducción de la trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual. Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016.
- TRATA: Trayectorias de vida que alejan o acercan a las redes de trata con fines de explotación sexualInstituto de la Mujer. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (2013-2015).
- Miratge de l’Ascens Social i Amor ideal.Institut Català de les dones. (2010-2011).
- Espejismo del ascenso y socialización de la violencia de género.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Dirección General de Programas y Transferencia de Conocimiento. Plan Nacional I+D+I .(2010-2012). Main Researcher: Prof. Esther Oliver.
- Impacto de los actos comunicativos y nuevas masculinidades.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Dirección General de Programas y Transferencia de Conocimiento. Plan Nacional I+D+I, (2008-2011). Main Researcher: Prof. Marta Soler.
- Youth4Youth: Empowering Young People in Preventing Gender-based Violence through Peer Education’,DAPHNE III” (2007-2013). European Commission
- Young Migrant Women in Secondary Education – Promoting integration and mutual understanding trough dialogue and Exchange.European Commission European fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals. INTI PROGRAMME Coordinators: Mediterranean Institute Gendre Studies (MIGS). (2009-2011).
- La formació per a la prevenció de la violència de gènere a la formació inicial de les persones professionals de l’educació. AGAUR, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris a la Recerca. (2008-2009).
- Incidencia de la Ley Integral contra la Violencia de Género en la formación inicial del profesorado.Instituto de la Mujer. Plan Nacional I+D (2007-2010).
- Building Peace Together: community-based preventive programme to stop peer-to-peer violence. DAPHNE Programme. European Commission. (2007-2009).
- Integration of female migrant domestic workers. Strategies for employment and civic participation.INTI Preparatory actions 2005. European Commission. Coordinators: Mediterranian Institute of Gender Studies. (2006-2008)
- Violencia de género en las universidades españolas.Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales. (2005-2008).
- Centres of Secondary Education and Values Education: proposals for the prevention of Gender violence.DAPHNE Programme. European Commission. (2006-2008).
- Carreres Científiques en igualtat. Mesures per la Conciliació. AGAUR, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris a la Recerca. (2006-2007)
- Models d’atracció dels i de les adolescents. Contribucions des de la socialització preventiva de la violència de gènere. Institut Català de la Dona – Generalitat de Catalunya. (2007).
- Violències de gènere a l’àmbit universitari? Realitats formes i superació.AGAUR, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris a la Recerca. (2005-2006).
- Mestipen Romi. Mujer gitana y asociacionismo en España. Retos y contribuciones.Plan Nacional I+D+I. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales-Instituto de la Mujer. (2004- 2006).
- Lectura dialógica e igualdad de género en las interacciones del aula.Plan Nacional I+D+I. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales-Instituto de la Mujer. (2003-2006)
- Prevenció de la violència de gènere en el context educatiu a partir de noves formes d’organització escolar.Institut Català de la Dona – Generalitat de Catalunya. (2005).
- Educació en valors per a la prevenció de la violència de gènere als instituts d’educació secundària. Agència de gestió d’ajuts universitaris i de Recerca. Generalitat de Catalunya. (2004-2005).
- Calli Butipen. Mujer Gitana y Mercado Laboral.Plan Nacional I+D+I. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales-Instituto de la Mujer. (2003-2005).
- Brudila Callí: Las mujeres Gitanas contra la exclusión. Superación del Absentismo y fracaso escolar de las niñas y adolescentes Gitanas.Plan Nacional I+D+I. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales-Instituto de la Mujer. (2000-2003).
- Recuperant veus de dones lluitadores per la llibertat.AGAUR, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris a la Recerca. (2005-2006)
- Dona Immigrant.Institut Català de la Dona. Generalitat de Catalunya. (2000 – 2001).
- Women and Modern and Contemporary Art in Adult Education Centres.Socrates Program. Adult. DG XXII. European Commission. (1998-2000).
- Serradell, O.; Santa Cruz. I.; & Mondéjar, E. (2014). Can the men’s movement attract young men? The Men in Dialogue Association. Journal of Gender Studies. Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1080/09589236.2013.872556
- Gómez, A.; Munté, A.; & Sordé. T. (2014). Transforming Schools Through Minority Males’ Participation: Overcoming Cultural Stereotypes and Preventing Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 11(29), 2002-2020.. doi:10.1177/0886260513515949
- Puigvert, L. (2014). Preventive Socialization of Gender Violence. Moving Forward using the Communicative Methodology of Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 844-849. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537205.
- Díez-Palomar, J., Capllonch, M., & Aiello, E. (2014). Analyzing Male Attractiveness Models from a Communicative Approach: Socialization, Attraction, and Gender-based Violence. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 844-849. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537205
- Yuste, M., Serrano, Mª A.; Girbés, S. & Arandia, M. (2014). Romantic love and gender violence: Clarifying misunderstandings through communicative organization of the research. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 850-855. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537206
- Tellado, I., López-Calvo, L., & Alonso-Olea, Mª J. (2014). Dialogic Design of Qualitative Data Collection for Researching the Mirage of Upward Mobility.Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 856-862. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537207
- Rué, L., Martínez, I., Flecha, A., & Álvarez, P. (2014). Successful Communicative Focus Groups with Teenagers and Young People: How to Identify the Mirage of Upward Mobility. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 863-869. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537208
- Ramis, M., Martín, N., & Íñiguez, T. (2014). How the dialog in communicative daily life stories transforms women’s analyses of why they suffered gender violence. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 876-882. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537210
- Vidu, A., Schubert, T., Muñoz, B., & Duque, E. (2014). What students say about gender violence within universities: Rising voices from the communicative methodology of research. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 883-888. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537211
- Pulido, C., Elboj, C., Campdepadrós, R., & Cabré, J. (2014). Exclusionary and transformative dimensions: Communicative analysis enhancing solidarity among women to overcome gender violence.Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 889-894. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537212
- Redondo, G., Pulido-Rodríguez, M., Larena, R., & de Botton, L. (2014). Not Without Them: The Inclusion of Minors’ Voices on Cyber Harassment Prevention. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 895-901. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537214
- Oliver, E. (2014). Zero Violence since Early Childhood: The Dialogic Recreation of Knowledge. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 902-908. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537215
- Valls-Carol, R. (2014). Contributions for eradicating gender violence: female empowerment and egalitarian dialogue in the methodological foundations of FACEPA Women’s Group. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 909-915. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537216
- Padrós, M. (2014). A transformative approach to prevent peer violence in schools: contributions from communicative research methods. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 916-922. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537217
- García-Yeste, C. (2014). Overcoming Stereotypes through the Other Women’s Communicative Daily Life Stories.Qualitative Inquiry, 7(20), 923-927. doi: 10.1177/1077800414537218
- Sordé, T., Serradell, O., Puigvert, L., & Munté, A. (2013). Solidarity networks that challenge racialized discourses: The case of Romani immigrant women in Spain European Journal of Women’s Studies 1350506813510425, first published on November 20. DOI:10.1177/1350506813510425
- Ramis, M., Alonso, M.J. & Siles, G. (2013) Communicative Methodology of Research in the Preventive Socialization of Gender Violence [Special issue]. International Review of Qualitative Research,6(2), 266-276.
- Duque, E., Vidu, A. & Schubert, T. (2013). The Struggle. Violence Against Women in Spanish Universities [Special issue]. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(2), 277-288.
- Puigvert, L., Christou, M. & Holdford, J. (2012). Critical Communicative Methodology: including vulnerables voices in research through dialogue. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(4), 513-526.
- Puigvert, L., Christou, M. & Holdford, J. (2012). Critical Communicative Methodology: including vulnerables voices in research through dialogue. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(4), 513-526.
- Melgar, P., Larena, R., Ruiz, L. & Rammel, S. (2011). How to Move from Power-based to Dialogic Relations? Lessons from Roma Women. European Journal of Education, 46(2), 219–227.
- García, C., Ferrada, D. & Ruiz, L. (2011). Other Women in research: overcoming social inequalities and improving scientific knowledge through the inclusion of all voices.Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 284-294.
- Aubert, A., Melgar, P. & Valls, R. (2011). Communicative Daily Life Stories and Focus Groups: Proposals for Overcoming Gender Violence among Teenagers. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 295-303.
- Christou, M., & Puigvert, L. (2011). The role of “Other Women” in current educational transformations. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 21(1), 77 – 90
- lecha, A. & Puigvert, L. (2010). Contributions to social theory from Dialogic Feminism: giving voice to all women. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
- Ruiz, L. (2010). Free women (Mujeres libres) Voices and Memories for a Libertarian Future. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers .
- Melgar, P. & Rammel, S. (2010). Anàlisi de la dimensió de gènere en el marc del projecte INCLUD-ED per a desenvolupar pràctiques educatives inclusives.Temps d’Educació, 38, 167-183.
- Oliver, E., Soler, M. & Flecha, R. (2009). Opening schools to all (women): efforts to overcome gender violence in Spain . British Journal of Sociology of Education , Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 207–218.
- Valls,R., Torrego, L., Colàs, P. & Ruiz, L. (2009). Prevención de la Violencia de género en las Universidades: valoración de la comunidad universitaria sobre las medidas de atención y prevención, Género y Educación, coordinado por Rocío Anguita y Luis Torrego (Universidad de Valladolid). Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 23,1(64), 41-59.
- Oliver, E.; Soler, Valls, R., Puigvert, L., & Duque, E.(2008). Gender Violence amongst teenagers: socialization and prevention.Violence against Women. Vol. 14, No. 7, 759-785 .
- Valls, R., Flecha, A. & Melgar, P. (2008). Violència de gènere a les universitats catalanes: mesures per a la prevenció i superació. Temps d’Educació, (35), 201-216.
- Valls, R., Oliver, E., Sánchez Aroca, M., Ruiz Eugenio, L. & Melgar, P. (2007). ¿Violencia de género también en las universidades? Investigaciones al respecto. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 25 (1), 219-231.
- Duque, E. (2006). Aprendiendo para el amor o para la violencia. Las relaciones en las discotecas. Barcelona: El Roure.
- De Botton, L., Puigvert, L. & Sánchez Aroca, M. (2005). The inclusion of the other women. Breaking the silence through dialogic learning. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- Elboj, C. & Puigvert, L. (2004). Interaction among ‘other women’: Personal and social meaning. Journal of Social Work Practice. London: Gran Bretanya.
- Oliver, E. & Valls, R. (2004). Violencia de género. Investigaciones sobre quiénes, por qué y cómo superarla. Barcelona: El Roure.
- De Botton, L., Puigvert, L. & Taleb, F. (2004). El velo elegido. Barcelona: El Roure.
- Arrufat Gallardo, M. (2004). Las “otras mujeres” y la Pedagogía de la Autonomía de Freire. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación de Profesorado, Vol. 18, Núm. 2, pp.45-58. Zaragoza: AUFOP.
- Aubert Simón, A. & Larena Fernández, R. (2004). Brudila Callí. La dona gitana contra l’exclusió. Superació de l’absentisme i fracàs escolar de les nenes i adolescents gitanes. Temps d’Educació . Núm. 28, pp. 241-257. Barcelona: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació Universitat de Barcelona
- Domínguez, C., Flecha, A. & Fernández, M. (2004). Mujeres gitanas y Mercado laboral: mecanismos para superar su triple exclusion .
- Lan-Harremanak, Revista de Relaciones Laborales: Minorías culturales y nuevas tecnologías, II Bilbao: Hartuemanak, pp.81-93.
- Puigvert, L. & Ruiz, L. (2004). Teoria Feminista do Século XXI: as vozes das outras mulheres.En: Lima L. C (Org.). Educaçao de Adultos. Forum III,. pp 203-214. Braga. Universidade do Minho.
- Beck-Gernsheim, E., Butler J., & Puigvert, L. (2003). Women and social transformation. New York: Peter Lang (publicat en castellà al 2001).
- Aubert Simón, A. & Larena Fernández, R. (2003). Brudila Callí. La dona gitana contra l’exclusió. Superació de l’absentisme i fracàs escolar de les nenes i adolescents gitanes. Temps d’educació, Núm 28, pp. 241-257. Barcelona: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació. Universitat de Barcelona.
- Puigvert, L. & Flecha, A. (2003). Dones gitanes I transformació social. Àmbits, Núm 28, hivern, pp. 60-64. Barcelona: COLCPIS.
- Aubert, A., Valls, R. (2003). Dones Gitanes que superen l’exclusió social a través de l’educació. Educació Social-Revista d’Intervenció Socioeducativa, Núm, 24, pp. 22-32. Barcelona: APPEC.
- Puigvert, L. (2001). Las otras mujeres. Barcelona: El Roure.

GEA- Interim Conference 2010. Gender and Education. Diversity of Voices.
University of Barcelona, 8- 9 April 2010. Main keynote speakers: Judith Butler, Lídia Puigvert, Capitolina Díaz, Myria Vassiliadou and Gaby Weiner. Organized by the CREA-SAFO Women’s group with the support of the Gender and Education Association.
Social and Educational Change III: Women and social transformations, 23 and 24 of October of 2001, Scientific Park of Barcelona.
Judith Butler (author of Antygone’s claim and the most cited feminist author in the world) , Lidia Puigvert (profesor of Sociological Theory in the UB and the author of The Other Wome) and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim (co-author of The normal chaos of love). During these days, the grounds for a new emerging feminism were established, dialogic feminism, characterised by giving visibility to new spaces with the presence of women, for dialogue and the equality of differences.

Social and Educational Change VI: Preventive socialization of Gender Violence, 19 and 20 of october 2004, Barcelona.
Marta Selva i Masoliver – President of the Catalan Institute of Women was in charge of the opening of the sesssion and Anna Simó i Castelló – Regional minister of Welfare and Family- took care of the conclusión. The keynote speakers were: Rosa Valls, Pedagogy profesor, Marina Subirats -Full professor- of Sociology at the UAB and Rosa Maria Bonàs, a deputy at the Spanish parliament in Madrid. The main objective of the conference was to analyze the actions that are contributing to the prevention of gender violence