Follow the INCLUD-ED Final Conference on Twitter

On December 5, 2011, in Events 11, by admin

The INCLUD-ED Final Conference “Successful Actions Overcoming Social Exclusion in Europe” taking place tomorrow, 6th of December from 13:30 to 17:50, in the Headquarters of the European Parliament will be followed on Twitter, at: #includedconf and you will receive the tweets in English, Spanish and French.

La Conferencia Final del INCLUD-ED “Actuaciones de Éxito para Superar la Exclusión Educativa en Europa” que tiene lugar mañana, el 6 de Diciembre de 13:30 a 17:50, en la sede del Parlamento Europeo será retwitteada en #includedconf en inglés, castellano y francés.

La conférence final du projet INCLUD-ED “Actuations de Réussite pour Surmonter l’exclusion éducative en Europe” qui aura lieu demain, 6 de décembre de 13.30 à 17.50 heures, au siège du Parlement Européen pourra être suivie a travers Twitter par moyen de #includedconf. Vous pourriez recevoir tweets en anglais, espagnol et français.


Deadline for registration 4th of December 2011. INCLUD-ED Final Conference

On December 1, 2011, in Events 11, News, by admin

The INCLUD-ED project is reaching the end of five years of scientific research that have contributed to overcoming social exclusion in Europe through successful actions in different social areas. The 6th of December 2011, the INCLUD-ED Final Conference will be held where politicians, research staff, professionals and other social actors from all around Europe will discuss about these actions and the policies to be developed in order to achieve a more cohesive and inclusive Europe.



3rd Meeting of Advisory Committee. 26th of November, 2011.

On November 27, 2011, in Events 11, by admin

The last meeting of the Advisory Committee was held on the 26th of November 2011 in Barcelona. End-users from the vulnerable groups and researchers from the INCLUD-ED team participated in it. After a presentation of the results of the final stage of the project the members of the Advisory Committee expressed their positive response to them and suggested additional points contributing to the inclusion of vulnerable groups.

The debate focused on two main ideas:



3rd Meeting of the Panel of Experts

On November 24, 2011, in Events 11, by admin

The 3rd Panel of Experts meeting took place on November 14th 2011 in Barcelona (Spain). The main results of Cluster 2, dealing with successful actions which connect educational inclusion with inclusion in other areas of society, and Cluster 3, about successful forms of family and community participation in schools which contribute to school success and social cohesion, were presented. Also, the social and political impact achieved as a result of the First INCLUD-ED Conference was highlighted, mentioning some of the concrete actions developed and some political recommendations obtained during these years of the INCLUD-ED project.

In the meeting, the main results achieved were discussed and a debate was held about how to transform the scientific evidences obtained into effective policies, aiming at maximizing the impact of the Final INCLUD-ED Conference. The Experts –some of whom have advised the project development throughout five years, and others were new incorporations– provided insight from their own areas of expertise. Overall the Panel of Experts valued very positively the scientific evidences collected about successful mixed interventions and successful forms of family and community participation in schools. They emphasized the importance of making these scientific evidences available to policy makers both at the European and country levels and to teachers and other professionals in each country, in order to guarantee a scientific based policy making which contribute to doing more for social cohesion with fewer resources.


INCLUD-ED Seminar: L’inclusione scolastica dei bambini immigrati e rom

On September 28, 2011, in Events 11, News, by admin

29th of September, from 9.00 to 13.00 h

Centro Alfabetizzazione Giufà, Quartiere 4 Firenze, Via Lunga, 94, Firenze

INCLUD-ED Seminar: L’inclusione scolastica dei bambini immigrati e rom

The seminar L’inclusione scolastica dei bambini immigrati e rom is organized by UNIFI (Florence) as part of the Integrated Project INCLUD-ED. Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education (6th Framework Programme, European Commission, 2006-

For further information about the INCLUD-ED Project you can visit the web page:
