About the Project

General Objective

The general aim of ALL Women project is: to identify actions in adult learning and education (formal and non-formal), which are contributing to the empowerment of women in a situation of more vulnerability, providing evidence of their social impact and identifying those characteristics that make them replicable and transferable to other contexts, also contributing to diversify the demands and profiles of feminism.

Specific Objectives

To review the available evidence on the social impact of adult learning and education and women’s empowerment.
To identify policies, programs and actions in Spain and Europe for adult learning and education that are promoting the empowerment of the most vulnerable women.
To analyse the social impact of adult learning and education actions on the empowerment of the most vulnerable women, their participation in the development of their communities and their contributions to feminism.
To study the characteristics of adult learning and education actions with social impact that can be replicated and transferred.
To disseminate the results and achieve their transference and social impact in the field of adult learning and education in Spain and Europe.

ProjectALL WOMEN. The empowerment of all women through adult education for a sustainable development (2021 – 2024)
Project numberPID2020-113137RA-I00
The project is funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación.

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