Complaints (548/16) against CREA have been dismissed



Complaints (548/16) against CREA have been dismissed

January 27th, 2017

The complaints against the CREA Research Center that the University of Barcelona transferred to the District Attorney last June have been dismissed. These complaints have had the effect of revictimization of the victims of gender violence at universities.

From CREA we ask:

  1. The public rectification of the mass media that spread the attacks against CREA.

  2. We ask the University to always act in defence of the first and second order victims of gender violence, considering the development of concrete measures.

  3. The commitment of the new rectorate on defending the value attributed to CREA for carrying out the first research study on gender violence in our universities, standing up with the victims. Also to have them recognising the value of the scientific quality work that the Center performs, implementing the mechanisms to avoid anyone anonymously defaming CREA ever again.

Since June 2016, there have been months of spreading false information by some journalists who gave voice to those who, under anonymity, pretended to destroy the Center and its members. The media repercussion of these news has served as a tactical mechanism to all those who wanted to silence the return of the full professor JdM at the University of Barcelona, covering the students’ campaign against this reincorporation, as well as all the voices that for years are struggling for universities free of gender violence.

Focusing the attention on the brave people who report the impunity of the harassment at their universities is a practice that has been always used with the scope of discrediting and silencing those groups and people capable of telling the truth.

Fortunately, in recent weeks many journalists committed to their work have spread the truth and have uncovered the most perverse scandals of harassment within universities, showing the beginning of a path that has no return.

We want to express our deep gratitude to the more than 40 members of internationally recognised universities such as Harvard, Cambridge and Berkeley; as well as international institutions such as the European Women’s Lobby. Also to the more than 160 people all over Spain who have courageously shown their support and solidarity with CREA and with the 1st and 2nd order victims.

Barcelona, 01/26/2017

 Links of News published related to this information.

La Fiscalía archiva actuaciones contra el centro de investigación Crea por presuntas prácticas sectarias (Europa Press, January 27, 2017)

La Fiscalía archiva actuaciones contra el centro de investigación Crea por presuntas prácticas sectarias (La Vanguardia, January 27, 2017)

La Fiscalía archiva la causa contra un grupo de investigación de la UB por prácticas sectarias (El País, January 27, 2017)

La Fiscalía archiva actuaciones contra el centro de investigación Crea por presuntas prácticas sectarias (El Economista, January 27, 2017)

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